Our 436 Bedford Drive address provides its own underground valet parking facility. Or, if you prefer, there is a public parking facility directly across the street.
Need extra time in recovery after a procedure? We are certified by the city for 23-hour stays. A dedicated nurse will provide individualized attention.
A discreet exit from the back of the building means you leave quickly and unabtrusively. A loading area keeps pickup cars out of sight until you are ready to depart.
The Center for Surgery is AAAA certified with Medicare deemed status. Two state-of-the-art operating suites are fully equipped to handle a variety of surgical and radiological procedures. Individuals handling anesthesia and pain management are CANPC credentialed.
Storz High Definition Camera System
GE OEC 900 C-arm
Maquet Alphastar Pro
Trumpf LED OR lights
B.A. from Princeton University. M.D. from Yale University Medical School. Residency at Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles. Currently Clinical Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, UCLA.
In addition to extensive gynecological surgery experience, Dr. McLucas is the first OB/GYN in America qualified to perform fibroid embolization, a radiological procedure used in the treatment of fibroids. Dr. McLucas introduced fibroid embolization to the U.S. medical community in 1994 and has personally performed over 10,000 procedures.
The Center For Surgery
436 North Bedford Drive,
Suite 101
Beverly Hills, CA 90210